Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tomb of the youth diver (5- 61 pg 142) and Dying Gauls(5- 82 pg 154)

What: youth diving, cover slab or painted ceiling of the Tomb of the diver. A rare example of Classical mural painting.  Fresco, 3' 4" high
Where: the Tempe del Prete necropolis, Paestum, Italy.
When: ca. 480- 470 BCE
Who: The Achilles Painter
How: The technique white- ground painting, is a chalky white slip used for the back ground  

What: a trumpeter Epigonos Dying Gaul, a Gaul was thought to be a barbarian foreigner with bushy hair, mustaches and neck bands. Marble 3' 1/2" high
Who: A Pergamene sculptor
When: ca. 230-220 BCE
Where: Museo Capitolino, Rome
Which: baroque style

Erechtheion temple chapter 5

What: Erechtheion (5-52 pg. 137)
Who: a Greek architect
Where: Acropolis, Athens, Greece
When: ca. 421- 405 BCE
Why: built to replace the Parthenon, to honor Athena and to be a multiple shrine to a host of gods, Erechtheion, and Kekrops early kings of Athens, marks the spot of Athenas contest with Poseidon, a tree representing Athena's olive tree and Poseidon's mark he made with his trident are seen there even today.
How:Was built in much the same way as the Parthenon except that it was asymmetrical which was unique for a Greek temple.

Monday, October 26, 2015

What: Kritios Boy Marble 2' 10" the first statue to show how a person naturally stands. Sculptor depicts the weight shift from one leg to another (contrapposto) The head turns slightly and the youth no longer smiles.
Who:Ploykleitos Historians once thought it was the work of the sculptor Kritios- is one of the most important statues in the history of art.
Where: The Acropolis, Athens Greece
When: ca. 480 BCE 
Which: Early Classical Greek- inspired by Egyptian unnatural Archaic pose statues
How:Symmetria of all the parts to one another.

Dipylon Krater

What: Geometric Krater, one of the earliest examples of Greek figure painting. Over 3ft tall. Marked a mans grave and the bottom was left open to enable visitors to pour libations in honor of the dead or to allow rain water to drain or both. pictures depict the mans funeral.
Who: ?
Where: Dipylon cemetery, Athens, Greece
When: ca. 740 BCE

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Francois Vase

What: Kleitias and Ergotimos, Francois Vase (Athenian black-figure volute krater)
From Chiusi, Italy, ca. 570BCE. 2' 2" high. 
Signed by both painter and potter, has more than 200 mythical figures in five registers, the same format as on Geometric and Orientalizing vases. Black figure technique is a base of black, each clay layer is painted. The painter scratches off the layers to reveal the colors.

Stele of Ennatum (of the vultures)

this is a Battle scene fragment 2' 6" high, the whole piece would be 5' 11" high
limestone from Girsu (modern Telloh), Iraq.
ca. 2600-2500 BCE
stele's are meant to tell a story of what is or did happen.
Cuneiform inscriptions describe Eannatum's victory over Umma with the aid of the god Ningirsu. Eannatum leading his troops into battle on foot and in a chariot.

Great Temple Parthenon

Iktinos, parthenon
Who: architect was Iktinos   What: The Parthenon, greatest Greek temple. Temple of Athena Parthenos. When: 447-438 BCE.   Where: Athens, Greece, Acropolis of Athens.  Why: built due to a century-long effort by Greek architects to design a building with perfect proportions.  Influenced by philosopher Pythagoras of Samos, who believed that beauty resided in harmonic numerical ratios. How: the dimensions were calculated in terms of a fixed proportional scheme. A all- encompassing mathematical formula, gave a perfect result.

Peplos, Kore

What: Peplos Kore By a unknown Archaic sculptor
From the Acropolis, Athens, Greece
ca. 530 BCE Marble, 4' high
A stylistic "sister" to the Anavysos kouros. Unlike men, women are always clothed in Archaic statuary. This kore is a votive statue of a goddess wearing four garments. She held her identifying attribute in her missing left hand.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Doryphoros (Spear Bearer)

Bronze statue By POLYKLEITOS
Pompeii, Italy ca. 450-440 BCE
Polykleitos sought to portray the perfect man to impose order on human movement. Achieved through harmonic proportions and a system of cross- balancing for all parts of the body.
The Doryphoros (Spear Bearer) is the culmination of the evolution in Greek statuary.

Head of Odysseus

Sculptor- Athanadoros, Hagsandros and Polydoros of Rhodes
From the villa of Tiberius, Sperlonga, Italy,
Early first century CE.
a variation on the Laocoon's Aeneid was the head of Odysseus depicting the blinding of the Cyclops